[Comment: the documents on this page were quite difficult for me to translate, due to the terms and the style of language used.]
Appendix 1. Medical certificate B 1, 18 December 2012.
1. Personal information: name, address etc. The doctor has read the documents/reports about me starting from the 23th day and has seen me for the first time on the 26th.
2. This medical certificate will be used for: sickness allowance
3. Sickness: F29 Unspecified Psychotic Disorder
4. Medical history: just the date of this examination, 18 December 2012.
5. Findings of the examination: empty
6. Current status: A 34-years old male, with no previous psychiatrical treatment history. Also no previous psychiatrical problems. Substance abuse related. Years of substance abuse history. Since August has worked in Brussels at the Finnish Seamen's Mission. During a birthday party in November has taken intoxicants. At around that time behaviour has turned disorderly. The patient's father went and brought the patient back to Finland. In Finland the patient disappeared from his father's house. Found later in a disoriented state, dressed only in a torn-up piece of a blanket. Submitted to psychiatric hospital on November 23. Cannabis + and Benzos +. No other drugs detected. But has a history of drug abuse. The patient has been found to be psychotic. Has heard auditory hallucinations and experienced intense states of fear. Has been disunited. Has recognized the feeling of breaking up, things and experiences have seemed unreal to the patient, and it has been hard for the patient to tell the difference between what is real and what is not. The patient does not remember why he was walking with so few clothes before taken to a hospital. Some kind of fears has had about some people trying to hurt him. Apparently has been trying to avoid that. Problems with memory, especially in the early stages of treatment. No clear memories of several past weeks. At the ward patient has started to get antipsychotic drug Zyprexa, which has started to put him back together nicely. The disunity has slowly ended. Memory has also started to work better, and the patient has been able to concentrate on some things, like for example playing chess. Still some fears the patient experiences sometimes, but now the fears don't take him over. For example just a few days ago had the experience, while taking a walk outside, that some car might come and kidnap him. Has been to a home holiday once. In future can maybe go for an overnight holiday. Patient not yet fit for release. Treatment will continue.
Today when meeting the patient he was correct and oriented. Co-operating well. Knows he is sick and wants help to his symptoms. Committed to treatment and in the future to outpatient treatment. Still experiences states of fear, but they are decreasing. Patient himself also recognizes these fears are unrealistic. No visual or auditory hallucinations.
In his current state patient isn't fit for independent living. Can manage daily routines at the ward. Incapable for work.
7. Treatment or rehabilitation plan: The patient is receiving Zyprexa 20 mg 1 x 1, Levozin 25 mg 1/2 x 1. If needed Zyprexa 5 mg 1 x 1 - 2 and if needed Diapam 10 mg 1 - 3. Psychiatrical treatment will continue.
As of now, no work rehabilitation necessary. The patient is slowly recuperating from psychosis. Recuperation will take time, but most likely in the future patient will gain his previous functioning and working state.
8. Estimation of ability to work: The patient has latest worked at the Finnish Seamen's Mission. Earlier has been a bus driver, among other things. At the moment patient can not do any work. Problems in memory and concentration and recuperation from psychosis not done. For the time being, in need of hospitalisation.
The patient's psychosis illness impairs his memory, ability to concentrate and discernment. As of now, the patient in incapable to do any kind of work. Upon starting to receive antipsychotic drugs has shown signs of slowly getting better. Recuperation from psychosis might a few months take. Next goal for the patient is to act appropriately and to take care of himself during holidays.
9. Never mind, not important and left empty.
10. Conclusion: Patient is incapable for work between 18 December 2012, and 28 February 2013.
11. Never mind, not important.
12. Signature: 18 December 2012, medical specialist Y, psychiatric ward ✖, Päijät-Häme Central Hospital
[Comment: the documents on this page were quite difficult for me to translate, due to the terms and the style of language used.]
Appendix 2. (final) Medical report, 7 January 2013.
Patient's name etc.
(Final) Medical report. Was a patient from 23 November 2012 to 4 January 2013.
Diagnosis. F16.56 Psychotic disorder caused by the use of hallucinogens, diverse
Medication. Olanzapin 10 mg 2 x 1, Simvastatin 10 mg 1 x 1.
This medical report will be sent to: Patient's local hospital / own doctor. The therapist for alcoholics or drug abusers, for further treatment. The patient.
A 34-years old male, no previous psychiatrical treatment history. Patient worked in Brussels at the Finnish Seamen's Mission all autumn. Patient himself has partly fuzzy memories of what has happened during autumn. At some point has taken hallucinogenic mushrooms and LSD. In November patient had a birthday party and took some intoxicants. Behaviour turned disorderly. The patient's father, who lives in Heinola, brought the patient back home. But the patient fled from his father's house and was later found in Heinola dressed only in a torn up piece of a blanket. Does not remember this event or the causes which led up to it. Delivered to voluntary hospital ward care. In the early stages of treatment has described states of fear, that some people might want to hurt him. When asked about visual hallucinations, had told that there were some kind of distortions. In the text written on the day he arrived, there is a mention of sonic hallucinations, but has not heard them while being here at the ward. Upon entering the ward, drug screening showed cannabis + and benzos +.
At the ward has started to receive Olanzapin as an antipsychotic drug, the amount has been increased to 20 mg x 1. At the ward speech was inconsistent at first but not outright psychotic. Slowly the capacity to act and to concentrate have improved. Upon release, the patient is capable to concentrate on reading books and watching movies. Losses and problems with memory, which started during autumn, has decreased. At this stage the patient feels that his memory works fine. Has been to holidays, they have gone well. The patient's delusions have been away for some weeks and his states of fear have eased.
Patient has planned to move to his father's house. ... (rest of the 3rd paragraph is not interesting or important) ... On a sick leave until 28 February 2013.
Signed by medical specialists Y and Z, 7 January 2013
[Comment: this document was particularly difficult for me to translate, due to the terms and the style of language used.]
Appendix 3. Prosecutor's decision to drop charges, 13 June 2013.
Salpausselkä Prosecutor's Office. 13/6/2013. Decision to drop all charges.
Addresses etc. Confidential. [Justification, part 4, to be kept secret for 50 years after my death.]
The perpetrator, M S
Villa owner, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Three charges: 1) damaging property, 2) minor theft and 3) literally "breaking the peace of someone's home", so something like "A tort against domestic privacy".
Description. M S has broken into xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx's villa, which is protected by the law of "home peace/domestic privacy", through an unlocked door.
During his time at the villa M S has stolen food and alcoholic beverages by eating and drinking them. While exiting the villa M S has also stolen xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx's rubber boots by putting then on his feet and leaving.
At the villa M S has also broken things, including mechanical curtains and electronic lighting system by cutting the villa's so called smart house system's cords, and also made a general mess.
Decision. M S has committed the aforementioned crimes. However, the law states that ... (I won't even try to translate that) ... and therefore I drop all charges based on reasonableness.
Justification. 1) M S has admitted acting as previously described.
2) The owner of the villa did not, despite requests, deliver a list of the damages he suffered.
3) M S's actions have been influenced by certain things relating to his health.
4) M S had been reported missing and was found 23/11/2012 at 16.17 o'clock. He was disoriented and had only a few cloths on. He was taken to psychiatric care during the same day and was found to be psychotic. Later on it became clear that he was the one who had entered xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx's villa. According to a statement from a physician, dated 18/12/2012, M S was still in need of medical care at that time.
5) No important public or private interest demands charges to be pressed. Also, a trial and punishment should be considered immoderate and unreasonable, based on the state M S was on, and the hospital care he was in need of.
Reference to the section of the law the decision is based on...
Prosecutor's signature
This document will be delivered to: M S, villa owner, police.