Short version: I could not find a publisher for my manuscript.
Longer version
1) I had to process the whole thing = madness through with care, and writing about it was the best way (for me).
2) At some point while writing the letter/story, I started to think that hey, this might make a pretty good book someday, maybe.
3) Much later – after editing the original letter/text to a book manuscript – I spent about eighteen months trying to find a publisher for it. Then I got tired of waiting. Also, due to the current situation (April 2021 when I created my Finnish website) I don't think that mental health problems – generally speaking – are becoming less common?
4) I love to read books – especially biographies – and I like to think that my experience was something worth telling. I hope that my story will bring joy to – or perhaps even help? – some people. Well, a few. Couple. Even one?
5) I have now publicly told about the time when I was crazy – but so what? I do not bother to bother my brain with what other people on the Internet might think about my story/me, maybe. The past is in the past. Also, in a case like this – in my opinion – telling the author's name is pretty much "mandatory" for the sake of credibility – or something like that.
6) It was fun to both write and to make the Finnish website It was also fun to translate my story from Finnish to English, and to make the website you are reading right now. In addition, having my own websites = I could make them look just the way I wanted to.
7) The Internet and the idea of what the Internet can be.
8) As one of my friends once said: "You have always been a bit of an oddball," so why not? :)
PS. I like to call my story a book, even though it is actually an unpublished manuscript (for a book). Or just a manuscript. Or something. Anyway, I call it a book, hope you don't mind. But if you do, you can call this number: 4
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